SLANK reached Civil Society Award 2009  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Slank band not only to work in music. Since its debut in 1983, Slank is committed to spreading the peace virus..
Therefore, Bimbim said through the lyrics of the song Slank commitment to the four elements, namely teenage love, the environment, social control, and the youth movement.

No wonder, not only music awards cs Bimbim stolen, but a series of other social rewards. Slank Civil Society Award was awarded the 2009 socio-cultural categories by the magazine Forum Keadilan. Children's care is considered the Mother Iffet contribute in building a culture of democracy in Indonesia.

In music, the lyrics of Slank thick rhythms of social satire. Corruption, reform, and human rights is that their voices shouting about injustice. Start the Slank, the award means a lot. "This award is more proud than AMI (Ajang Musik Indonesia). We've lined up with AMI," Bimbim said when found in the National Library, Salemba, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, August 11, 2009.

Not easy to play music while giving a social critique. Music groups that have criticized the board members at Senayan through the song 'Gossip street' was not seldom a threat. But, the kids Geng Potlot forward undaunted.
Bimbim said, "We do not care and keep nyalurin corruption through song meaning." For them, the short message only modern equipment used by the parties who are not responsible. Slank proud of the number of appreciation they receive.

"This is a spirit, and we feel there is on the right track.'s Why many people who love award," said the vocalist, Kaka. Now, big name Slank aligned with political figures is important recipient of the Civil Society Award. Representing Slank, Bimbim answered casually. "We are engaged in each of us," said the drummer was relaxed.

According to Denny JA, Executive Director of the Indonesian Survey Circle, said, "berpolitk Slank more effectively. Lower middle income group to listen more Slank." But for a band that had a motto PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect), they just want to be useful for the nation. "We just helped pass the album, stage to stage, hopefully can do something for the people," said the commander Bimbim.


"Generasi Biru" The Movie  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

A musical movie as a celebration 25 year Slank traveling music, that narrated Slank meeting with the figure that have the trauma of violence, politics, drugs and love. The figure Bimbim met with a child who always hide under the table because to see her parents rapt when he playing under the table. Kaka met Nadine, Ivan and Ridho figure meet people who behave like animals because had to feel beaten like the a beast, while Abdi met with the mother figure that children rapt in the reform period. Slank tried various forms of violence against the gallant and the cause is trauma. In the end of story they can be shared out to the blue island. Island without violence and threats, full of peace.

Director: Garin Nugroho, John De Rantau, Dosy Omar
Producer: Ursula Tumiwa & Anastasia Rina
Duration: 90 Minutes
Production: Film & Set Shooting Star 2009

Cast: Kaka Slank, Bimbim Slank, Ivanka Slank,
Abdee Slank, Ridho Slank, Mother Iffet, Nadine
Chandrawinata, Chichi Kadijono, Lio Gitta Purwanto,
Ophy Nambe, Helmi Prasetyo

Directed by: Garin Nugroho, John De Rantau, Dosy Omar
Creative Idea: Garin Nugroho
Co. Director: Dian Sasmita
Executive Producer: PH Sihar Sitorus, Garin Nugroho, Ursula Tumiwa, A. Radityo Wibowo
Producer: Ursula Tumiwa, Anastasia Rina
Line Producer: Eri Kuswanda, Lia Amran
Director Of Photography: Arya Tedja, Padri Nadeak
Script Writing: Garin Nugroho
Creative and Post Production Supervisor: Arturo GP
Film Editor: Andhy Pulung
Art Director: Sebastian Allan
Sound Designer: Handi Ilfat, Satrio Budiono
Music Composer: Slank
Pantomine: Yayu Aw Unru
Choreographer: Eko Supriyanto, Davit Undry, Jecko Siompo Animator: Ricky Zulman, Terra Bajraghosa and Adi Panuntun.


Slank's Movie Go Internasional  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Film ‘Generasi Biru’ garapan Garin Nugroho sudah melenggang ke Berlin, Jerman. Film itu tayang di Berlinale International Film Festival 2009. Tiketnya pun ludes terjual.

Film yang dibintangi Nadine Chandrawinata itu ditayangkan pada World Premier Berlinale International Film Festival pada Jumat (6/2/2009) kemarin malam waktu Jerman. Sedangkan di Indonesia baru 17 Februari 2009 mendatang. Sang sutradara, Garin Nugroho turut hadir dalam premier yang bertempat di Kino Arsenal, Postdamerplatz, Berlin.

Selama melenggang di Jerman ‘Generasi Biru’ akan diputar tiga kali pada 6, 7, 8 Februari 2009. Tiketnya pun ludes terjual secara online. “Wah bagus tuh,” sahut Garin saat berbincang dengan detikhot di Kino Arsenal, Postdamerplatz, Berlin, Jumat (6/2/2009) waktu setempat.

Panitia Berlinale rupanya sudah jauh-jauh hari memesan agar film Generasi Biru tampil di Jerman. Dalam wawancara ekslusif dengan reporter detikhot, Fitraya Ramadhanny, Garin mengaku panitia Berlinale mengikuti proses editing yang beru selesai 60 persen dari Desember 2008 silam.

“Tapi para kurator film dengan melihat bahan mentahnya saja sudah bisa memberikan penilaian,“ lanjut Garin.

Panitia pun rela menunggu film Generasi Biru dikirim ke Jerman, walaupun batas akhir pengiriman festival sudah lewat pada Oktober 2008 lalu. Tapi mau bagaimana lagi, proses produksi memang baru benar-benar tuntas akhir Januari 2009.

“Baru dua minggu lalu filmnya kita kirim ke Jerman. Saya saja belum liat trailer Generasi Biru untuk di Indonesia,“ ujarnya seraya tertawa.

Tidak hanya Generasi Biru, Laskar Pelangi pun unjuk gigi di festival film saingan Cannes ini. “Sekarang sudah ada generasi baru seperti Riri Riza, Mira Lesmana, John de Rantau. Tahun ini saya ingin anak-anak muda ini yang lebih tampil,” kata Garin.

Ini adalah film ke lima Garin di Belinale. Sebelumnya sudah ada Surat Untuk Bidadari (1994), Bulan Tertusuk Ilalang (1995), Puisi Tak Terkuburkan (2001) dan Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja (2001). Semua film Garin mendapatkan penghargaan khusus.
