SLANK reached Civil Society Award 2009  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Slank band not only to work in music. Since its debut in 1983, Slank is committed to spreading the peace virus..
Therefore, Bimbim said through the lyrics of the song Slank commitment to the four elements, namely teenage love, the environment, social control, and the youth movement.

No wonder, not only music awards cs Bimbim stolen, but a series of other social rewards. Slank Civil Society Award was awarded the 2009 socio-cultural categories by the magazine Forum Keadilan. Children's care is considered the Mother Iffet contribute in building a culture of democracy in Indonesia.

In music, the lyrics of Slank thick rhythms of social satire. Corruption, reform, and human rights is that their voices shouting about injustice. Start the Slank, the award means a lot. "This award is more proud than AMI (Ajang Musik Indonesia). We've lined up with AMI," Bimbim said when found in the National Library, Salemba, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, August 11, 2009.

Not easy to play music while giving a social critique. Music groups that have criticized the board members at Senayan through the song 'Gossip street' was not seldom a threat. But, the kids Geng Potlot forward undaunted.
Bimbim said, "We do not care and keep nyalurin corruption through song meaning." For them, the short message only modern equipment used by the parties who are not responsible. Slank proud of the number of appreciation they receive.

"This is a spirit, and we feel there is on the right track.'s Why many people who love award," said the vocalist, Kaka. Now, big name Slank aligned with political figures is important recipient of the Civil Society Award. Representing Slank, Bimbim answered casually. "We are engaged in each of us," said the drummer was relaxed.

According to Denny JA, Executive Director of the Indonesian Survey Circle, said, "berpolitk Slank more effectively. Lower middle income group to listen more Slank." But for a band that had a motto PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect), they just want to be useful for the nation. "We just helped pass the album, stage to stage, hopefully can do something for the people," said the commander Bimbim.


"Generasi Biru" The Movie  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

A musical movie as a celebration 25 year Slank traveling music, that narrated Slank meeting with the figure that have the trauma of violence, politics, drugs and love. The figure Bimbim met with a child who always hide under the table because to see her parents rapt when he playing under the table. Kaka met Nadine, Ivan and Ridho figure meet people who behave like animals because had to feel beaten like the a beast, while Abdi met with the mother figure that children rapt in the reform period. Slank tried various forms of violence against the gallant and the cause is trauma. In the end of story they can be shared out to the blue island. Island without violence and threats, full of peace.

Director: Garin Nugroho, John De Rantau, Dosy Omar
Producer: Ursula Tumiwa & Anastasia Rina
Duration: 90 Minutes
Production: Film & Set Shooting Star 2009

Cast: Kaka Slank, Bimbim Slank, Ivanka Slank,
Abdee Slank, Ridho Slank, Mother Iffet, Nadine
Chandrawinata, Chichi Kadijono, Lio Gitta Purwanto,
Ophy Nambe, Helmi Prasetyo

Directed by: Garin Nugroho, John De Rantau, Dosy Omar
Creative Idea: Garin Nugroho
Co. Director: Dian Sasmita
Executive Producer: PH Sihar Sitorus, Garin Nugroho, Ursula Tumiwa, A. Radityo Wibowo
Producer: Ursula Tumiwa, Anastasia Rina
Line Producer: Eri Kuswanda, Lia Amran
Director Of Photography: Arya Tedja, Padri Nadeak
Script Writing: Garin Nugroho
Creative and Post Production Supervisor: Arturo GP
Film Editor: Andhy Pulung
Art Director: Sebastian Allan
Sound Designer: Handi Ilfat, Satrio Budiono
Music Composer: Slank
Pantomine: Yayu Aw Unru
Choreographer: Eko Supriyanto, Davit Undry, Jecko Siompo Animator: Ricky Zulman, Terra Bajraghosa and Adi Panuntun.


Slank's Movie Go Internasional  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Film ‘Generasi Biru’ garapan Garin Nugroho sudah melenggang ke Berlin, Jerman. Film itu tayang di Berlinale International Film Festival 2009. Tiketnya pun ludes terjual.

Film yang dibintangi Nadine Chandrawinata itu ditayangkan pada World Premier Berlinale International Film Festival pada Jumat (6/2/2009) kemarin malam waktu Jerman. Sedangkan di Indonesia baru 17 Februari 2009 mendatang. Sang sutradara, Garin Nugroho turut hadir dalam premier yang bertempat di Kino Arsenal, Postdamerplatz, Berlin.

Selama melenggang di Jerman ‘Generasi Biru’ akan diputar tiga kali pada 6, 7, 8 Februari 2009. Tiketnya pun ludes terjual secara online. “Wah bagus tuh,” sahut Garin saat berbincang dengan detikhot di Kino Arsenal, Postdamerplatz, Berlin, Jumat (6/2/2009) waktu setempat.

Panitia Berlinale rupanya sudah jauh-jauh hari memesan agar film Generasi Biru tampil di Jerman. Dalam wawancara ekslusif dengan reporter detikhot, Fitraya Ramadhanny, Garin mengaku panitia Berlinale mengikuti proses editing yang beru selesai 60 persen dari Desember 2008 silam.

“Tapi para kurator film dengan melihat bahan mentahnya saja sudah bisa memberikan penilaian,“ lanjut Garin.

Panitia pun rela menunggu film Generasi Biru dikirim ke Jerman, walaupun batas akhir pengiriman festival sudah lewat pada Oktober 2008 lalu. Tapi mau bagaimana lagi, proses produksi memang baru benar-benar tuntas akhir Januari 2009.

“Baru dua minggu lalu filmnya kita kirim ke Jerman. Saya saja belum liat trailer Generasi Biru untuk di Indonesia,“ ujarnya seraya tertawa.

Tidak hanya Generasi Biru, Laskar Pelangi pun unjuk gigi di festival film saingan Cannes ini. “Sekarang sudah ada generasi baru seperti Riri Riza, Mira Lesmana, John de Rantau. Tahun ini saya ingin anak-anak muda ini yang lebih tampil,” kata Garin.

Ini adalah film ke lima Garin di Belinale. Sebelumnya sudah ada Surat Untuk Bidadari (1994), Bulan Tertusuk Ilalang (1995), Puisi Tak Terkuburkan (2001) dan Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja (2001). Semua film Garin mendapatkan penghargaan khusus.


Slank in Action  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

When taking a film "Generasi Biru" (Blue Generation) directed by Garin Nugroho the band with a million fans, SLANK not have trouble means. In fact, according that Bimbim does not devote all of his abilities.

" we take all of acion with fun. So we are free to explore anything, we are not in action," Bimbim said at a press conference of Blue Generation / 'Generasi Biru' in FX Plaza, Jl. Jend Sudirman, South Jakarta, (11/2/2009).

Only Kaka encountered obstacles, it is difficult to wake up when should take the movie in the morning. "He call too early," the vocalist said.

However, to realize the goal to make movie, the band that already exist since 1983 that have to be willing to wait for 25 years. Until now, the personnel of Slank can not imagine what happens as the movie that also actress with Nadine Chandrawinata.

"I can not imagine like what the movie. Slank actually have the intention of the long of time, about 25 years ago".

Slank is deliberately to give the title 'Blue Generation' or "Generasi Biru" in their prime movie. Bimbim reveal that the "BLUE" is the philosophy of the album owners 'Anthem For The Broken Heart'.

"Blue is the philosophy of Slank. Slank want the next generation as blue sky, wide and deep as deep oceans," Bimbim said.


Hape ESIA - Slank (ind ver.)  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Jelang tutup tahun 2008, Bakrie Telecom meluncurkan satu lagi produk bundling Huawei Seri C-2807 bertajuk "Hape Esia Slank." Kali ini segmen yang akan disasar adalah komunitas grup band Slank, atau yang akrab disebut Slankers.
Setiap penjualan 1 unit Hape esia SLANK, Rp. 10 ribu akan disumbangkan untuk para pihak kurang mampu yang ditunjuk langsung oleh SLANK

Ringtone SLANK
Kamu bisa dapetin GRATIS 5 ringtone SLANK, yang bisa kamu jadiin ringtone pilihan kamu:
- Seperti Para Koruptor
- Sosial Betawi Yoi
- Pandangan Pertama
- Orkes Sakit Hati
- Kuil Cinta

Nada Sambung SLANK

Kamu juga bisa dapetin GRATIS 5 Nada Sambung SLANK selama 21 hari. Buruan aktifin dengan ketik:

SLANK-spasi-nomor lagu pilihan kamu dan kirim ke 888

Pilihan lagu yang bisa kamu pilih:
1. Devilinu
2. Virus (versi Amerika)
3. Solidaritas
4. Seperti Para Koruptor
5. Rebut


KPK Gandeng SLANK  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Wakil Ketua KPK, Sjahruddin Rasul mengunjungi Markas Besar Grup Musik SLANK di Jl. Potlot-Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Selasa, 23 Januari 2007. Pada kesempatan ini, SLANK menyatakan siap memerangi korupsi yang sudah meresahkan masyarakat Indonesia. "Kami senang sudah mendapat respon. Selama ini perjuangan SLANK lewat lirik membuahkan hasil. Yang pasti, kami menegaskan SLANK dan Slankers siap menjadi tameng KPK" ujar Bimbim.

SLANK yang terdiri dari Kaka (Vokalis), Bimbim (Drum), Ridho (Gitar), Abdee (Gitar), dan Ivan (Bass) mengibaratkan korupsi sebagai VIRUS ganas. "Korupsi masalah semua orang. Gara-gara korupsi, semua orang kena dampaknya, semua orang menderita" ujar Kaka.

Bimbim mengatakan SLANK akan konvoi dengan kelompok pengendara sepeda motor Vespa, sambil membawa beberapa slogan dan spanduk antikorupsi. "Kalau gak dapat sambutan, kita akan bikin gerakan bawah tanah", terusnya.

Bagi KPK sendiri, dengan menggandeng SLANK berharap pemberantasan korupsi bisa berjalan mulus. Wakil Ketua KPK, Sjahruddin Rasul mengatakan, "SLANK itu memiliki massa yang cukup besar. Dengan musik mereka bisa mensosialisasikan gerakan antikorupsi terutama untuk generasi muda".



Pelukis Jalanan: Untuk Bimbim Slank  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

MOJOKERTO - Profesi sebagai pelukis jalanan, bisa jadi hanya tinggal hitungan jari. Namun demikian, profesi ini tetap ditekuni segelintir orang.

Matahari telah sampai di ufuk barat, pertanda hari telah berubah menjadi malam. Namun tangan Suwarno tetap saja menari-nari di atas kanvas berukuran sekitar 60 X 80 cm itu.

Selembar foto balita di sampingnya, menjadi titik fokusnya saat itu. Berupaya keras agar gambar yang ia buat sepersis mungkin dengan gambar yang disodorkan pelanggannya beberapa jam lalu.

Hiruk pikuk lalu lintas di Jalan Raya Mojopahit Kota Mojokerto, Jawa Timur tak membuyarkan konsentrasinya untuk tetap melukis dengan pensil 2B miliknya. Dengan "senjata"nya itu, dia terus membuat pola wajah, sesekali ia menyeka kanvasnya dengan konte-bubuk hitam untuk memberikan sentuhan blok warna hitam.

Lalu lalang manusia di trotoar yang menjadi tempat kerjanya itu juga tak membuatnya kehilangan konsentrasi. Begitupula dengan datangnya pelanggan baru yang ingin memperbesar foto dengan warna hitam putih kepadanya. Meski sesekali menjawab pertanyaan calon pelanggannya itu, Suwarno tetap saja tak kehilangan fokus.

Bagi pelukis jalanan asal Kabupaten Blora Jawa Tengah dan kini bertempat tinggal di Kecamatan Gedeg, Kabupaten Mojokerto ini, menjadi pelukis bukanlah profesi menjanjikan dengan keuntungan yang besar. Profesi ini, menjadi satu-satunya kemampuan yang menurutnya bisa dipakai pijakan kebutuhan rumah tangganya.

"Ibarat tambal sulam. Kalau ramai order, bisa untuk menutupi kebutuhan hidup jika sedang sepi," tukas Suwarno sembari terus mengibaskan kuas diatas kanvasnya.

Bagi lelaki yang tak tuntas menuntu ilmu di Institut Seni Rupa Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta ini, menjadi pelukis memang bukan semata-mata untuk memperoleh keuntungan secara material. Lebih dari itu, dengan melukis, dia bisa menyalurkan hobi yang selama ini ditekuninya.

"Ibaratnya, melakukan hobi dengan dibayar. Jadi, dinikmati saja," ujarnya dan tak berhenti sedetikpun untuk menyelesaikan tugasnya itu.

Untuk sebuah karya lukis yang siap diberikan kepada pelangganya, Suwarno hanya butuh waktu 3 jam. Namun dia mengaku, cepat tidaknya pekerjaan itu, sangat bergantung dari situasi isi hatinya.

"Jika sedang malas atau sedih, bisa sampai tiga hari untuk menyelesaikan satu lukisan," aku Suwarno.

Dalam sebulan, dia mengaku mendapatkan uang dari jerih payahnya itu sekitar Rp1 - Rp2 juta. Angka ini, dianggapnya telah cukup jika dibanding dengan kejelian yang harus ia tanggung. Sementara jika salah melukis, akan berbuah komplain dari pelanggannya.

"Memang harus hati-hati jika tak ingin dimarahi pelanggan. Harga lukisan mulai Rp100 ribu hingga Rp300 ribu. Tergantung besar dan banyaknya obyek wajah yang digambar," tukasnya.

Di Mojokerto, bukan kali pertama ia memulai karier. Jauh sebelum itu, pria berumur 29 tahun ini sudah mengadu nasib ke Jakarta. Kerasnya kehidupan di Ibu Kota itu, membuatnya harus mencari tempat yang dianggap "bersahabat" dengan profesinya itu. Namun ada kenangan yang hingga saat ini tak pernah ia lupakan.

"Saya pernah memberikan lukisan Bimbim langsung ke orang nya di gang Potlot. Ini foto saya," tukasnya sambil menunjukkan foto dirinya dengan seluruh anggota group band Slank dengan mata berbinar-binar.

Kisah yang tak pernah dilupakan sepanjang hidup lainnya kembali ia lontarkan. Beberapa waktu lalu, tepatnya 18 April 2006, dengan susah payah ia menuju Kota Madiun untuk menyaksikan konser Peterpan. Tak ingin melewatkan momen, dia memberanikan diri untuk bertemu dengan Ariel, vocalis Peterpan.

"Saya berikan lukisan bergambar foto Ariel. Dan dia (Ariel) menerima dengan senang hati lukisan itu," ujarnya kembali menunjukkan bukti apa yang dia ceritakan itu dengan selembar fotonya bersama personil Peterpan.
(Tritus Julan/Sindo/nov)



Welcome to My "Lombang" Paradise  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

This Photographs taken at Lombang Beach Sumenep. The soft coral sand
spread wide make children like to play and sing loud. PIISSSSSSSSS....

Desolate and hot. It seems that is the impression that first heard the name of the of Madura island. This presumption especially for citizens outside the region who have never come to the Madura island. Madurese the public image of hard people, has a culture karapan sapi and carok. Typology barren land and the air is hot, the more impressive as the Madura island, who have no green trees and a beautiful panorama of beautiful nature.

That presumption is not correct for all. Madura Island is the biggest island in East Java, which has the land arid and barren. However, this did not mean Madura Island does not have the potential of tourism glamor. If you do not believe, came to the eastest area of this "Salt island", precisely Sumenep regency. In Sumenep regency area is 2000 square kilometers of two parts, the land area of 1,147 square kilometers (17 districts) and the island of 853 square kilometers. The number of islands that are owned as many as 76 fruits and knowledgeable about the 50,000 square kilometer. This is the last of which is the excellent tour of Sumenep....

Small islands, like the vessel string pearls,glue Indonesian archipelago country to be a very beautiful.Catenarian island in Sumenep Madura have a nickname as a Girl "While dancing parade". This Nickname because of the island chain as Kangean Sapudi, Raas, Puteran, Genteng, Giliyang, and Ra Island as rows and dance in the earth archipelago. District of Sumenep mentions the island as a Tourism Object Resort Island.

Special items for the tourist beaches, which were often visited is Lombang Beach. This Beach is located in the Village Lombang Sumenep Madura, about 30 kilometers north of Sumenep direction. In holiday items this tour were a lot of visitors. Carpet of white sand along the 12 kilometers. On the fringe of sand carpet plant pine "cemara udang" as the only plant in Indonesia and China, so calm and comfortable making it the beach.


About Me  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Salam..Piss Luv Unity Respect

Welcome to SFC SUMENEP BLOG, This website is offering a special community for SLANK lovers joined in Slank FANS CLUB (SFC) Sumenep - MADURESE - EAST JAVA - INDONESIA.

As a venue for SLANKERS in the Sumenep city already is a obligation to provide facilities for all members, after Sumenep SFC TEAM successful cooperation with a solid and measured, now... this time the organization can be included in the category "parjugha" :)

And now .. in the era of Global Technological, has become one thing that would for the SFC to have Sumenep development towards a more advanced, better & more easily. One of the the site with the goal as a means to all express our appreciation to the group as "Slank".

I do need u'r money...
I do need u'r rich...
I only need u'r luv...
Deep of my heart is only for you ...



The Bull Race (Karapan Sapi) in Madura  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

In addition to famous with "Sate Madura" and Salt, Madura Island has many cultures that still hold. One is tradition "Karapan Sapi", which is his term for the cow race. Karapan Sapi have already before XV century of the Christian era. At this race, a pair of cattle such as wooden trains (the jockey and the pair stood in cattle) compete in a race against fast-couple pairing other cattle. Track races are usually around 100 meters race and the race can take about ten to fifteen seconds.

Karapan Sapi is a prestigious event for the community Madura. The cow owners will feel upraised his social status when his cow can be a champion. This rurminant animals isalso used as a means of investment in addition instead gold and money. Not surprisingly, when the owners of karapan sapi will exert all efforts to create a power-cow be winners in each season of race. Simply known, the cow race usually from Island Sapudi [read: Athletes at the Cow Karapan Party ]. Since first, a small island located on the east of the Madura island (precisely in Sumenep district) is the central superior cow.

Championship starts from level to level District resumed District and forwarded to Karisidenan. Some hold the city in Madura karapan cow in August and September each year, with the final bout at the end of September or October in the Pamekasan city subduct "President Cup Turns". Kerapan cow begins to accompany the pair-pair cow corral race arena accompanied with gamelan called Saronen Madura. Truly rousing, especially strain seronen music show solidarity sound drum, trumpet, and gong dances that accompanied the players. The musicians are deliberately seronen hired by the owner of the cow. Especially to encourage member contingent and their cow before karapan started.

Source: (translated)


ESIA CDMA Phone for Slankers  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Esia CDMA Phone On 25th Slank's Anniversary

Jakarta, December 22, 2008

Closing the end of the year 2008, Bakrie Telecom group together with the band on board Slank variants introduce a new product bundling (Huawei Series # C-2807). This time segment product bundling is to be seized segment of a community music group Slank. Segment community is called the "Slankers" a loyal fan of Slank. Launch Hape Esia Slank also coincided with the day Birthday Slank Music Group to the 25 already-and will continue in the music industry indonesian. Product bundling is called: "Slank Hape Esia". An offering Slank and Bakrie Telecom to Slankers.

Launch Hape is a collaboration of telecommunications operators and group band that has not been done in Indonesia and is made only for the Slankers. MEdia Net can be considered as a form of personifikasi band with a group of fans setianya and is the means of interaction between the two because of the cargo information about their group music idol.

MEdia Net Esia Slank is also equipped with Slank Menu that will be directly connected to the Slank content, so that customers can easily search for content or to download the preferred among Slank Slank Wallpaper, Slank and Polyringtones Public Slank. Content-content that is contained in Public Slank is possible to download the application because of the called Brew Application Downloader.

Guaranteed that the information is available at the portal is very interesting and attractive because the slankers contains information up to date about the activities and Slankers song-songs. "Hape Esia this is to Slankers Sejati. Buktikan that you have Slankers sejati Hape with this, "said Erik Meijer, Vice President Director of PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk at the time of the launch MEdia Net in Wisma Bakrie yesterday....

Some of the benefits that are owned by prospective customers Hape Esia Slankers. Esia will provide free ringtone 5 Slank in use for 21 days since the card is activated. These come from ringtone songs Slank hit a lot of demand, such as Solidarity slankeres, Rebut, As The Koruptor, Virus and Devillinu. Special songs and Devillinu virus taken from the American album that has not been released in Indonesia.

Not only 5 free ringtone, Esia will also provide free Slank 5 polyringtone already available in the MEdia Net is so customers can use this to be polyringtones ringtone time when there is an incoming call. The five songs that are made polyringtones The First Temple of Love, Social Betawi Yoi, As The Light Koruptor and Heart Diseases, there are free wallpaper 5.

In addition there are also Slank Voice Portal Esia where customers have direct access to the original sound Slank. With the phone number to 88,825, Slank Esia subscribers will automatically be linked exclusively to Slank Portal. On this portal there are info-interesting info about the album-album Slank such as The Big Hip (Japan), Anthem for the Broken Hearted (American Album), Songs hits teranyar, full track streaming, Slank biography, news, and they last many more.

Customers can also make interactive SMS Slank Menu Access to the SMS Menu Slank. Way to tell when Slank 88,825. customers here will also be able to get berita2 I'm not less exciting Slank's Voice Portal, as the menu is based SMS SMS content, so that customers can download Slank Wallpaper, Ringtones, Slank, Schedule Update Konser Slank, My Loves Kaka, Sok The Bim2 Wisely, Abdee , Ridho Ivan & Music Clinic, Mother and embrace another. Both the SMS Menu Slank Slank Voice Portal and both can be accessed by all customers Esia.

According to Erik, Hape Esia Slank will be offered with the price of Rp 299 thousand (including VAT) plus bonuses of as much as 26 free sms thousand characters. Additional bonus is a bonus talktime worth Rp 12 thousand which is given directly to the customer after the successful conduct activation card. "This bonus can be used to conduct all phone conversations and activities sms, local, long distance and international service and other value-added. The period also actively lumayan long for 30 days and has since enabled a 30-day grace period, "he said.

In addition to the benefits of the features of information Slank, Hape Esia Slank program also give charity as a sign of solidarity to the parties who need to set aside Rp 10 thousand for each sold. The parties will receive the funds will be directly appointed by the Slank. "We, Bakrie Telecom and Slank agreed that each product that we do together to bring benefits to the community. We also invite the community to care about the environment because there are many parties who need help of all of us, "said Erik.

Slank for this group is known as a band that is very sensitive to environmental conditions. Through song, music, Slank many voice vote of the people and invite the community to do something. Because it is not surprising if Slank consisting of Kaka (vocal), Bimbim (drums), Ivanka (bass), Ridho (guitar), and Abdee (guitar) has a fanatical fans, tend to be loyal because they assume Slank Slank music is music fair is to represent the soul and spirit young.

"The spirit is also attached themselves to the Bakrie Telecom because it is an honor we can cooperate with Slank and give the best for the community," explained Erik.

In connection with the collaboration, the Bakrie Telecom and Slank will also attend a concert at the 25 Year Slank Giving to be held in the Field KODAM V / Brawijaya, Surabaya, on 29 December 2008. The show will be in January ANTV 2 hours 21.00 pm. In addition to introducing MEdia Net presence is also intended to strengthen the relationship with both the Slankers in East Java, especially in Surabaya "hero" city.



Slank's Live Press Conference Coverage  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Slank welcome arrival in Samarinda preceded by, followed by a convoy and meet the press conference held in Hotel Mesra Samarinda. We Cyber-Reporter SMK TI Airlangga was covered directly with the questions and answers are Slank. Here Slank Samarinda many praised the city as the concert is good, and secure communication with Slankers was running smoothly.

Following our coverage of the interview:

Q: Come to the Samarinda to how many times?
Slank: Lost ... ... ... ..

Q: What do you mean Slank's new album titled "Slow But Sure?", I can use the name inspired from where?
Slank: Album "Slow But Sure" inspired many people, or see the situation in our country.

Q: What to Slank "Slankers Samarinda"?
Slank: Slankers Samarinda good, safe and also good komunikasinya "said Bimbim Slank as a drummer." To appreciate the Slankers we made the song "Mars Slankers" as a gift slankers.

Q: There is Slankers the Organization of Samarinda better?
Slank: Ehm ... ... .... West Java is also a good addition to Samarinda. ...

Q: Approximately how many songs Tomorrow will be by Slank?
Slank: 22 songs and most of us take from the new album "Slow but Sure"

Q: What is the difference in the tour in Hong Kong and Indonesia?
Slank: manggung first time that all the women watching. His association events wanita.Penonton workers who came close to the overall number of 110,000 women with the women and 14 men.

Q: How concert atmosphere in Hong Kong?
Slank: There have her own place of the concert.

Q: What do you hope Slank goods can be heard by the people of Indonesia and Samarinda slankers?
Slank: Samarinda tuch a rich,,,, should be set aside space for a concert or a place for other art dealer!
For example other cities in Indonesia.
Of Event: Activities ngapain tomorrow before the concert? cuma aja nongkrong what or how?
Slank: This is the event's slankers as an adjuvant pemprakarsa children affected with the tumor on his face Lembuswana way mengamen in Samarinda, the funds collected Rp.964.600, 00 in the symbolically submitted directly to the people of Slank.

Q: To do tomorrow what?
Slank: eeee ,,,,, Our live concer combines live music with visual.di every turn of the songs we'll change clothes to scandalize atmosphere, we will show full acoustic guitar "said kaka Slank's vocalist."

Interview with Slank closed by delivering results ngamen the slankers for children who suffer tumor on his face and also the delivery reminiscent of Tenggarong slankers for Slank.

Therefore coverage of a press conference held in Hotel Mesra Samarinda.



Slank : Anti-Coruption Music Conser  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

I don’t need u’r money ….
I don’t need u’r rich … ..
I only need u’r luv … ..
Deep of my heart only for you… ..

A part from Slank’s song titled “Like The Koruptor” the song seems to be mandatory for students to music festivals anti-corruption theme “Koruptor? Moral loe far … .!?!?!!” held in Yogyakarta on 30 November 2008 followed by 16 band high school students and university students in Yogyakarta.

Events that took place from the afternoon until the evening at the monument in this struggle Yogyakarta supported by friends from UMY’s BEM. And the surprise is the late, in the meet by the visitors. Participation of students and college students to fight corruption through the music is worth diacungi thumb. This shows our colleagues are convinced that corruption is the enemy and the enemy with the students as well.

The idea is we can participate in the fight against corruption with a shout antikorupsi in any form. Can through music, can be through a movie, can through poetry, comics, cartoon, animation and much more. So … when we do more of it if we don’t satart from now? … Anyone can do … If you want a course … Agree?

Hold approximately if KPK make similar activities, Slankers colleagues would do so following the content of the KPK’s event?

So ….?



No Place for Corruptor in Indonesia  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Fun! Terrible! Extraordinary! Success! Dare! Inspiring!

That is the word that was published by many media in order to witness the action from Slank and GIGI time KPK appear in the Declaration on Anti Corruption on 9 December 2008 then, in unison with the International Day Antikorupsi.

Shown with the voluntary, the second band is a group effort to encourage the eradication of corruption are humming-giatnya done. Budiman leader, who is one of the songs were songs by Gigi and Gossip from the Streets Slank would be songs that difavoritkan by those who attend the event.

The Slankers who attended the event and give these declarations, do not forget shout “Happy Birthday” on Ivan Slank, which also repeated year on 9 December. With their present order, and return home to participate, with the confidence of corruption is the enemy, as spoken by Kaka: “Corruption and the Economics jijay!”

Satisfied …. … .. Moved proud to see it without the support of the intention friends Slank and Gigi to the KPK. Support for a role combat corruption with the thunder of Indonesia is not the Koruptor!. Hopefully the corruption is not only an enemy KPK, corruption but also an enemy of the Slankers across the country. Make enemies with corruption as the nation!

Slankers and GigiKita with KPK watht corruption Force Corruption! …. Go out corruption from Pertiwi’s Earth!

Salam PLURSource:


Slank’s 25th anniversary ( Membumi )  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

Once through a long journey from Jakarta to surabaya, a group of Blue Island which I also kordinir up on December 28, exactly 8 am. Entourage bus rocket start from 1 hour lunch consisting of Staff PUBI about 24 people, SFC Chairman of West Java and SRS (Friend of the Friends of) rehab team. Entourage got stuck jammed more than 3 hours up to scratch Bekasi karawang east, had also created a stress, it is because I make the schedule for the event on the web seminar to introduce to the SFC Branch.

And thank God after all pegal2 dijalan appropriate timetable has been set. urus until after the lodging group of Surabaya, bagi2 room meluncurlah a ketempat events as well as a seminar nginap Slankers coming from the area, Hall PPAD place name, lumayan bagus, stategis is also close to the venue is 100 meters kevenue. Events in the open by Mother Iffet day 2 day seminar on the web followed by Mas Adri is also exciting even though there is still a little short of help, the less informed mateng prepare for first time ya. next time might be better. Continue with events in the Music, the band’s pertam mangung surabaya SFC, followed by Subang SFC continues to SFC Jombang, cool all loose play, Melanie Subono came hours after a pause west 18:00 Melanie mengebrak directly with the bands, played two songs sempai. exactly 21:00 hours the event closed with pelampilan JE BE Band Day Slankers winner of East Java.


Finally, the time has come to be expected, what else can open a concert Ultah 25 years Slank (return). 17:00 hrs right audience began came from all over the Surabaya, Surabaya Bidadari Savior berkordinasi have started with the team of ANTV, members Kodam Brawijaya rally seen in the standby pingil field, about 100 members kodam prepared to secure a first terakbar this year. right 19.00 motorcade to go back pangung, seen pengeran pencil Bim2, Kaka, Ridho, Ivan and Abdee down from the bus, the artist is seen pangung artists such as Ian Antono, Ahmad Albar, Teguh Vagetos, Indar Q, Aura Kasih and Wulan Jameela. Behind pangung Slank still busy with the family discussions, foto2, and exactly at 20:00 Slank gather to pray, finished embrace each other as usual. tibalah time a pangung, songs bang2 tut at the iringi with orchestra music slankers surabaya also involved with the hysterical aura kemeriahan Ultah Slank.

continued with the hit songs from the era of 90 as an up suit suit .. hehe. that can surprise dilagu this tool Indra Q play organ music with piawai, so remember the years 90an. it’s a tough date lo 2 yesterday in ANTV. Thanks to Slankers Surabaya you the best, BP Surabaya and Gresik, Ida Slankiss MBA, Andy Slankss, anthea, Andy SFC SFC Sidoarjo Makassar, Palu, Gorontalo, East Java, West Java and Central Java on participation. Bejo malang I came I had met through a new life and kawan2 Slankers Indonesia. By: Andre SFC

