Slank in Action  

Posted by SFC Sumenep

When taking a film "Generasi Biru" (Blue Generation) directed by Garin Nugroho the band with a million fans, SLANK not have trouble means. In fact, according that Bimbim does not devote all of his abilities.

" we take all of acion with fun. So we are free to explore anything, we are not in action," Bimbim said at a press conference of Blue Generation / 'Generasi Biru' in FX Plaza, Jl. Jend Sudirman, South Jakarta, (11/2/2009).

Only Kaka encountered obstacles, it is difficult to wake up when should take the movie in the morning. "He call too early," the vocalist said.

However, to realize the goal to make movie, the band that already exist since 1983 that have to be willing to wait for 25 years. Until now, the personnel of Slank can not imagine what happens as the movie that also actress with Nadine Chandrawinata.

"I can not imagine like what the movie. Slank actually have the intention of the long of time, about 25 years ago".

Slank is deliberately to give the title 'Blue Generation' or "Generasi Biru" in their prime movie. Bimbim reveal that the "BLUE" is the philosophy of the album owners 'Anthem For The Broken Heart'.

"Blue is the philosophy of Slank. Slank want the next generation as blue sky, wide and deep as deep oceans," Bimbim said.

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